> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Gerard Cote
> Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 8:08 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: InformIT.com Articles Introduction to 
> WaterT A New Native Web Services 
> Not much answers to the former invitation, regarding a 
> collective work to create an Extensible REBOL Development 
> Framework ;-(
> Summer must be a thing of the past or is it a sign of time ???

Hi, might be the message was to cryptic... I didn't got in the first
reading. Well, I'm working on a rebol-framework just now. It includes
the ideas of associative data model, nakedobjects ideas etc. I have an
idea about the GUI already, I have the basic building blocks running.

> May be someone could even suggest a bad solution - a first 
> draft in other words - just to be enhanced by the other 
> members of this ML. I would do it but I am surely not 
> qualified enough for this kind of work but I can help recrute 
> and support for the job while it is done.

I have a first draft. But I'm not sure if releasing it makes a lot of
sense at the moment. I'm an absolute fan of community development, but
there are two sides of it:
1. I need to make progress as I don't want to work on a never ending
project. I concentrate on doable ideas etc. Vision is good, but reality
needs a solution.
2. Getting the same understanding and agreement about how to continue
etc. is mostly impossible in a community process. This leads to the
danger of forks for the different concepts. IMO this is the worst thing
that can happen, we need to work on one framework.

Therefore I think it might be better to develop the idea up to a useable
level and release it than. I'm hoping that enough of the community will
jump on and follow this direction than... I don't know if it will
happen, we will see.

> Who else want to be 
> a part time coordinator/and/or collaborator for this task and 
> help start this project - nobody has to start or finish it 
> alone but someone must be in charge for the first draft on 
> which we'll work after ??

I can do this. But I can't spend a lot of time etc. We have a trainee
that will start to program some script for me in Rebol. But he will need
some time to ramp-up and doing framework development won't be his job in
the next month. He can test etc. But not more.

> If you want to get some quick look at these other interesting 
> concepts that have been applied elsewhere to help developers 
> to deliver some nice and productive work, and the kind of 
> tools that their producers gave to the whole World by letting 
> them fall into the hands of "Content producers" after the 
> Frameworks were up and running  here are some refs :

Thanks for the info. Robert

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