Hello Robert,

Sorry, stupid bug in storage close method ("func" keyword was missed)
cause that problem: database was not closed and so could not be
reopened. The language constructions should be more protected from

New version of DyBASe 0.17 is available at my site.
I has changed (once again) implementation of object cache in Rebol
API. Explicit increase of hash size makes it possible to obtain
satisfactory insert in hash performance, but remove operation (which
cause shift left of all elements next to deleted one in the block associated with the
hash) is still very slow (remove has quadratic complexity).
That is why I have to implement hash myself using array and collision
chains. Insert and search operation are slightly slower, but speed of
remove is significantly increased (for large number of objects).

Tuesday, December 23, 2003, 8:21:56 PM, you wrote:

RMM> Hi, playing around with DyBASE I ran into a problem. The script I work on
RMM> can be found at http://www.robertmuench.de/dybase-test.r

RMM> What does it do? It reads all messages from an IOS Messenger and stores
RMM> them into a database. Further it keeps track of some fields thru indices.

RMM> Adding records works, I'm working with the messages from Developer server.
RMM> Rerunning the script after it has finished doesn't work as it seems the
RMM> database can't be opened again from the same session. Don't know why. Does
RMM> anybody know what the problem is? How to close down a program so that I
RMM> can run it from the same session again?

RMM> Running a fesh instance give than the following error:

RMM> ** Script Error: fetch-component has no value
RMM> ** Where: _lookup-object
RMM> ** Near: set in obj (to word! field-name) fetch-component

RMM> On the second run the script tries to check if a message already was added
RMM> to the database. There seems to be a problem.

RMM> For those of you without an IOS message base I have created a ZIP with 15
RMM> messages, so you can try the script as well. You can find the files at
RMM> http://www.robertmuench.de/messages.zip

RMM> -- 
RMM> Robert M. Münch
RMM> Management & IT Freelancer
RMM> Mobile: +49 (177) 245 2802
RMM> http://www.robertmuench.de

Best regards,
 Konstantin                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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