On Tue, 23 Dec 2003 21:54:19 +0300, Konstantin Knizhnik 

> Sorry, stupid bug in storage close method ("func" keyword was missed)
> cause that problem: database was not closed and so could not be
> reopened. The language constructions should be more protected from
> errors:)

>> ? protect
     PROTECT value

      Protect a word or block to prevent from being modified.
      PROTECT is a native value.

      value -- The word or block of words to be protected (Type: word block)

> New version of DyBASe 0.17 is available at my site.

Thanks for the quick fix, I continue my test with it.

> That is why I have to implement hash myself using array and collision
> chains. Insert and search operation are slightly slower, but speed of
> remove is significantly increased (for large number of objects).

What speed improvements have you achieved by this step? Robert

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