Hi Gabriele,

> arguments.   To   solve   this  you'd  need  to  parenthesize  all
> expressions.


The do-alt function could have some limitations not present in the standard
evaluation routine.

But now I have another proposal, with less problems (I hope):

    a: "abcd"
    b: "c"
    case: true
    skip: true
    size: 2
    do-alt find/case/skip a b size

the interpreter fetch the path (find/case/skip) and checks every word in it:

    if none/false => refinement /case is false
    else => refinement /case is true

    if none/false => refinement /skip is false (size argument will be ignored)
    else => refinement /skip is true => size argument required

My doubt is about the size argument when the refinement is none: must be
omitted or it will be ignored (not evalutaed but skipped)?

In the latter case we can write:

my-func: func [a b /case /skip size ][
   do-alt find/case/skip a b size

also if /skip is none, else we must manually check the skip value in my-func
before calling find.

I already have working mezzanine versions using a block, but i should like to
have a do-alt native.


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