
Thank you for your reply. Are you speaking on behalf RedHat? Or are
you employed by them? If so, please let me know!

Regarding the question whether egcs or gcc is going to be the default
compiler is important, regardless of building for i386 or i686. The
glibc spec file (2.1.2-17) had egcs hardcoded in, causing the library
to fail install, see earlier postings!! It installed OK with
gcc-2.95.2!. Furthermore, installing gcc completely erases egcs, so you
have to choose!!


John Summerfield writes:
 > > Since nobody from redhat answered and since the rawhide release
 > > 19991220 did not make any changes to glibc or remove egcs I'll try
 > > again: Is gcc or egcs going to be the default compiler in future
 > > releases? 
 > > 
 > > Another very important thing nobody seem to have noticed: When
 > > compiling util-linux (still in 2.10c-1) with target i686 a lot of
 > > files are NOT BUILT compared to i386. Files not built are login,
 > > cfdisk, fsck.minix, mkfs.minix, sfdisk, chfn, chsh, cytune,
 > > newgrp rdev, swapdev, vidmode, vigr, vipw. The man pages are missing
 > > as well.
 > Why would anyone spend the time to rebuild this for i686? Do you seriously 
 > expect either to notice the difference or to recover the time wasted?
 > Use i386 binaries and find some other use for your time!!
 > -- 
 > Cheers
 > John Summerfield
 > for OS/2 support.
 > Configuration, networking, combined IBM ftpsites index.
 > -- 
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