> John Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > One thing I do not understand; why has stackguard (or similar) not been 
> > incorporated into gcc 2.95 and/or egcs?
> Well, for one thing, not all programs will work with stackguard.  Most
> notably, the Linux kernel.

That's mentioned in the Stackguard documentation
> But that could be fixed by having it as an option.  The real reason

There is such an option

> (since I can't find any others on the gcc mailing lists) is probably
> that it hasn't been officially contributed with legal papers signing
> the copyright over to the FSF.

I don't have it here any more; it fell victim to my cleanup with I decided 
I'd go to gcc 2.95 on my workstation & mostly egcs on RHL 5.x, so I can't 
easily check. However, I thought that
1       The fact of gcc being GPL means that other authors can't make changes 
and distribute under any other licence.
2       If there be some reason I'm wrong, then what prevents it being 
reingineered? It needs to in any event to fit new compilers - it is 
specific to gcc 2.7 or thereabouts.

> > A program that works is much more useful than a faster program that 
> > doesn't.
> But stackguard doesn't guarantee that your program works, just that if
> it doesn't, it's less likely to allow an attacker to cause damage.

Nothing guarantees absolutely that any significant program works. That's 
no excuse not to reduce the likelihood of problems.

In chess, a castled king is usually safer than an uncastled one; it 
doesn't prevent it from being checkmated though, its position at the side, 
hiding behind pawns and knight just helps keep it safe.

Similarly, I prefer authors of programs I depend on take all reasonable 
measures. I have seen reports on RHS lists of problems that would 
(according to its authors) have been avoided by using the stackguard 
enabled compiler.

After all, one of the functions of a compiler is supposedly to protect 
programmers (and their users) from their stupidity.

John Summerfield
http://os2.ami.com.au/os2/ for OS/2 support.
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