On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> In other words, take a text doc, convert it to a single HTML
>> page, put some links in it there and there, a TOC, and INDEX, and
>> a bunch of <NAME> anchors and you've got basically what I'm
>> looking for...  I can use LYNX easily, but info doesn't cut it
>> for ease of accessing information.  A more appropriate name for
>> the program is "impossinfo" or "deinfo" or even better
>> "info-withnobasenamedocumentation".  ;o)
>> Heheh.  Don't you love trashing programs that suck?  ;o)  Gets
>> some steam off...  ;o)
>Please reread this slowly three times: "Info pages are supposed to be
>read with Emacs not with info".

Supposed to?  Says who?  So I'm _supposed to_ learn emacs, which
I have no use for, just so I can have a better UI to info
documents?  Sorry, no thanks.  info2html is the better UI for me.

If I used emacs, then I might agree with you that it is ok, but I
don't and have no interest in doing so anytime soon.  If I did,
it wouldn't be for info, it would be for emacs itself.

I want to read documentation, and spend no more effort doing so
than picking up a book, and flipping a page.  info/emacs do not
in any way provide that to me.  manpages do.  This is my personal
preference and choice.  Nothing is right or wrong here with my
choice or yours.  They are just different.

>It has been told several times in this thread but you keep bashing

That is because info sucks.  If you choose to argue about it, it
is your own mistake for following the troll.

I just threw it in because it feels good.  I want to almost
strangle the author of that program for making access to the
documentation difficult FOR ME.  Saying "info sucks" is a much
more polite and kind substitute than the death penalty.

Don't read to much into all of this.  The whole thread, both my
side, and yours, and everyone elses is pretty much irrelevant to
daily life, and all that is good in the universe.  Take it all
with a saltgrain.  This isnt a religion you know.  ;o)

Take care,

Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

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