> On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> In other words, take a text doc, convert it to a single HTML
> >> page, put some links in it there and there, a TOC, and INDEX, and
> >> a bunch of <NAME> anchors and you've got basically what I'm
> >> looking for...  I can use LYNX easily, but info doesn't cut it
> >> for ease of accessing information.  A more appropriate name for
> >> the program is "impossinfo" or "deinfo" or even better
> >> "info-withnobasenamedocumentation".  ;o)
> >> 
> >> Heheh.  Don't you love trashing programs that suck?  ;o)  Gets
> >> some steam off...  ;o)
> >> 
> >
> >Please reread this slowly three times: "Info pages are supposed to be
> >read with Emacs not with info".
> Supposed to?  Says who?  So I'm _supposed to_ learn emacs, which
> I have no use for, just so I can have a better UI to info
> documents?  Sorry, no thanks.  info2html is the better UI for me.

You are not supposedc to learn Emacs.  You are supoposed to read info
pages with it and that is a different thing.  It provides aUI whose is
leagues ahead of lynx's.  About Info the progarm I agree: it was
designed for masochists.  But you see its target was VI users...

                        Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence: Linux for the Masses

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