> On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, Nitebirdz wrote:
> >> in Windows (use KDE 2.0 exclusively (with konsole and friends disabled,
> >> of course), run autologin (http://www.linux-easy.com/development.php) to
> >> log in as root all the time [I know that's stupid, but it's basically what
> >> Windows does, and avoids the need to learn anything about permissions],
> >> reboot every time something doesn't work right (instead of starting the
> >> service), how is Linux more difficult?
> >> 
> >> (This was a serious question, not a rhetoric one. If you can list a couple
> >> of points, maybe they can be fixed...)
> >> 
> >
> >Try to have your mom configure the printer in the Linux box and then tell
> >me what happens.  Or even better, configure a scanner or a simple
> >modem... or try to change the screen resolution.  Those are all simple
> >things in Windows.
> She doesn't have a printer or a scanner.  The screen is text,
> there is no resolution to change, and the modem works fine out of
> the box after installed.  The kernel I have autodetects the

That does not answer the question, "Could she?" Don't let the particular case 
obscure the general question.

We could add fax to the list of tricky tasks. I don't know about on Windows, 
but on OS/2 it's trival. On Linux, ....

> After the 9 hour Windows episode that followed the Linux install
> of the i740 X server, I asked my friend (who has used computers
> for about 4 years and is just an end user, but can install and
> upgrade a fair number of things for himself) if he could have
> possibly got the i740 to work in Windows.  He said not a chance
> in hell.  He couldn't believe how simple it was in Linux, but how
> insane it was in Windows.

I don't believe this is a typical of installing a video card in Windows 
either. To be sure it's an example where there was a problem, but it's nothing 

You found it easy on Linux because you knew what to do and where to look. 
You're a skilled Linux user, probably atypical there too.

> Had an ACER CDROM in a machine with an HX chipset a while
> back.  Some software for Windows (Riven) would NOT work on this
> drive.  Please, oh please tell me why a piece of software running
> on the computer will not work on a particular model of
> CDROM?  The Riven web site blamed it on ACER, who blamed it on
> Microsoft.  Every other piece of software/game worked fine on the
> drive.

I have a CD drive that does not work with Linux. Freezes the system solid, has 
done so in two different systems. Works perfectly well with OS/2 and NT 4. For 
that matter, it was fine with 2.0 kernels too.

<shrug> Does either example mean anything much?

> I could go on and on and on infinitely about hardware problems in
> Windows that were unresolvable, and required actually calling
> tech support somewhere, or most of the time reinstalling the
> whole OS for one stupid driver.  Ever have Windows install a new
> video driver for a newly detected video card *EVERY REBOOT*.  I

No, but I HAVE had kudzu try something similar.

> had 6 drivers in control panel.  *ALL wrong*.  How do you disable
> autodetect?  You dont.
> Ever pull a drive out of a windows box and move it to another one
> with a different motherboard?  Kiss WIndows goodbye.  *IF* you
> get it working, youv'e got drivers installed and running for all
> of the hardware of both boards.  Remove them, and windows puts
> them back with ! beside them.

I DID install Windows 95 on another box by copying it with Linux across my 
LAN. Source system: Cyriz CPU, TX chipset, Fujitsu drive. Target: Intel P133, 
SiS chipset, ASUS motherboard, seagate drive. Oh, the CD drive was different 
too, the source machine has that CD drive that locks up Linux.

It went through the "You've installed some new hardware, give us a look at the 
CD" routine and all was fine.

> Tell me you've never sat for hours in Windows, or days trying to
> get a piece of hardware to work.  
Cross my heart. I've never sat for hours in Windows, let alone days, trying to 
get a piece of hardware to work.

It's true I've had problems convincing NT that it should print to a network 
printer. Came the day when I thought to try a printer on a different computer 
and it worked. Different version of Samba!!

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