On Thu, 25 Oct 2001, Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:

> Yes. I knew about the original FUD, I'm interested in everything else,
> the cause and the fix in particular. (Because those will help other people 
> who wrote similar code).

Sure. Mplayer used to include assembler code like this:

/* Limit RGB even to 0..255 */                             
"packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0 # B6 B4 B2 B0 | B6 B4 B2 B0\n\t"    
"packuswb %%mm1, %%mm1 # R6 R4 R2 R0 | R6 R4 R2 R0\n\t"    
"packuswb %%mm2, %%mm2 # G6 G4 G2 G0 | G6 G4 G2 G0\n\t"    

Everything after # is supposed to be a comment. Now, 2.95 is happy with
this, but 2.96 and 3.0 omit all assembler instructions that come after the
first | symbol, they're not in the object file (forgot at what stage
exactly they disappear). The immediate fix would be of course to either
move to C-style comments or remove all the pipe symbols (which is exactly
what I did).

[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes at bugzilla bug #47817 "| cannot be used in IA-32
inline assembly with gcc-2.96-RH+ (including 3.0), since it unlike 2.95
supports more than one assembly standard (AT&T and Intel)." Intel asm
syntax forbids using | as far as I understood - though I didn't find it
anywhere in info as and why using | in comments would be a problem anyway?

It seems somewhere after 3.0 gcc stopped skipping code and started
producing a warning instead - I'm not sure about that though. Anyway it's
a good idea to ask jakub - he might know more than me on that whole pipe 
> > Mplayer still can't be included in distributions since it relies heavily 
> > on compile-time optimisation for the particular processor you have.
> That would actually be a simple patch. Since the mplayer code is quite 
> modular, we could simply replace some of the static links with shared 
> libraries and dlopen(), add checks at runtime, and load different plugins 
> based on the results.

Looks like this is actually planned. But not in the near future.
> There's an entirely different thing that keeps mplayer and similar things 
> out of distributions: Evil governments that have been bought out by even 
> more evil corporations.

RMS earned a lot of respect from me during the past year. I mean,
Sklyarov's case, DMCA and SSSCA fit so perfectly into "Right to read"...

> While ffmpeg has free implementations of all important codecs, some of the 
> important ones are still covered by software patents in the US and other 
> countries, so you can't legally use or distribute ffmpeg in those 
> locations.

Well, the "fix" would be to distribute the movie player only with legal 
codecs (Ogg Tarkin, OpenDivx, vc3) and provide a pointer to illegal ones.
Providing a pointer is not illegal yet I hope.

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