> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Fisher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 05, 1998 3:58 PM
> Subject: Re: Need PLIP info other than crappy HOWTO
> > Oh, please; NT wasn't even mentioned in the post to which
> you responded.
> I think that, if you look at the original post, you will see the NT
> slur in the signature. That was part of my point, that someone has
> such animus toward NT that he has to put it in his signature. Of
> course, if his signature did not contain the anti-NT line, then
> perhaps you are right and I am hallucinating. Kind of you to point
> that out.

You were indeed hallucinating so can we all stop this and go on to more
important things.
Like how about someone (how about you, David?) offering some advice to
Michael on his problem. Wish I could but I have never tackled his problem.

Paul Pettit      \      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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