-----Original Message-----
From: David Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mike Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, June 05, 1998 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Need PLIP info other than crappy HOWTO

>Third, what makes it off-topic?

Hmm, let's see.

IIRC, the crack was "with Windows NT, this would be child's play" or words
to that effect.

Nope, didn't see the words "Red Hat" or "Linux" in there.

Unless you're intending to state that this in on-topic because the pronoun
"this" referred to parallel-port networking configuration on Red Hat Linux,
and that the observation (whether valid or not) that Windows NT would be
easier to set up properly is somehow germane to a Linux user needing help
configuring it, you're pretty much totally off the beam here.

But, if it'll help your self-esteem, I'll concede that Windows NT
parallel-port networking is easier to set up than Linux parallel-port
networking.  In exactly the same sense that a Geo Metro is easier to drive
than a Ferrari.

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