On Fri, 3 Jul 1998, Zoki wrote:

> Obviously, nobody is using the ppp-on, ppp-on-dialer and ppp-off scripts
> so maybe I should reformulate the question: What do I do to make cron
> send and check my mail automatically and close the connection knowing that
> I am in France and therefore not hooked to the Net constantly but making a
> connection through a modem.

I use those scripts, but not directly.  I have written a script file,
invoked by cron, to pickup and send my Email on a scheduled basis.  I
wrote another one to do cleanup, just in case the first one screws up.
Finally, I wrote a third one that stays up long enough to give xntpd time
to resync my machine's clock.

I had posted the initial version of the first script file to one of these
lists a couple of weeks ago.  But, it has evolved since then, and appears
to be rock solid.  I don't have a web site to distribute them.  But, I'll
send them to anyone interested, or post them here again if enough people
want them.

In addition, my /etc/ppp/ip-up.local looks like this:

/usr/sbin/sendmail -q
/usr/local/bin/etrn.pl email.vnet.net
/usr/bin/fetchmail --batchlimit 1000
/usr/bin/wall mail fetched

Where, email.vnet.net is my ISP's Email server, and /root/.fetchmailrc
has the appropriate poll command to pick up POP mail (I use both POP
and SMTP mail).

When I want to connect for web browsing, or to send/receive Email in
real-time, I use `ifup ppp1', and `ifdown ppp1' to shut down the link.
Note that ifconfig will show the first ppp connection as ppp0, regardless
of which interface you specify.

/  Ray
Ray Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        | Unconditional Forgiveness & Love --
Chapel Hill NC, or Sutton Mills NH. |   The corner stones of coexistence.

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