> Get youself an updated RH 4.2 RPMs directory, create a 1gig partition in
> /mnt/rh4.2 for example, then do a
>       mkdir -p /mnt/rh4.2/var/lib/rpm
>       rpm --root /mnt/rh4.2 --initdb
>       rpm --root /mnt/rh4.2 --noscripts -ivh *.i386.rpm
> Then:
>       chroot /mnt/rh4.2 bash
> and you are set, you have a 4.2 virtually running on your 5.0 machine.

> As for the extra gig required, it is cheaper than a new machine.

Ok, but how often do you work on the machine compiling 4.2 programs, then all
of the sudden say 'Hey, I need to compile a 5.0 program', vs having a lilo
configuration that boots into 4.2 or 5.0?

Guess that's really semantics; I've done both but for other reasons...  I was
really just wondering..


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