Ryan Babchishin said:

> That's the best suggestion I've heard yet... Do you know of any risks
> involved in repairing something that you know is in error, while the fs
> is mounted?

worst case is you damage/destroy data on that particular inode. I think
multiple files/directories can exist in a single inode. The only way I
can think of off the top of my head is use ls -i to find what files are
on what inodes, so something like

ls -Rli >/tmp/files.list

and when you run fsck on it, you can try to check to see what files would
be affected. Doing this is nothing I have attempted before, so I don't
know from experience.

it may take several hours to sort through the data from multiple fsck
passes depending on how much data changes, there could be tens of
thousands of reported errors most of which are probably false positives.

and you should consider that the problem may be hardware related and
may occur again(or may be occuring constantly). Bad ram, bad cables or
something can trigger such things.

you can further minimize damage by finding what files are in use, I use
the tool lsof(not sure if it's standard in redhat), something like
lsof | grep /filesystem (it may take some time to complete).

good luck


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