Take a deep breath Victor.  There are basically only two types of questions
that are going to get answered on this mailing list.  Questions that someone
knows the answer to off the top of their head - "Oh that error ussually
means you've got a syntax error in your conmfig file.  Look in /etc/blah for
where it says foo and change to say bah" - and questions that tweek someones
couriosity enough that they're going to investigate for their own sake -
"Odd.. I wouldn't have thought getting foo and bah to run at the same time
would have caused that problem... I wonder whats going on here."

That said - in no way was David told to 'get the fuck out'.  He asked for
some pointers to get him started and that's what he got.  It's not as if
rvelez told him to 'STFW' and left it at that.  He provided some specific
search terms that might be useful and /invited David back/ to follow it up
with further postings to the list.

>From the school of "teach a man to fish" this seems like an entirely 
appropriate response.  Unless there's someone else on the list who acutally 
has a maestro3 on a dell c600 or has had the error "/dev/dsp : no such file" 
themselves this is really the best David could hope for.


On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 at 7:11pm (-0500), Victor wrote:

> Ok, I see this shit all the time, go search Google go do this go do
> that....
> What the hell is the point of mailing lists if the people that know how
> to fix the problems are too lazy to help those in need? Why should one
> even come to the mailing list in the future when one is told to
> basically "get the fuck out"? I also subscribe to Microsoft and
> macromedia newsgroups, and there are people who repeatedly as the same
> question because they don't search Google or some other shit resource,
> yet the moderators and other people are friendly enough to always answer
> their questions if they ask. This is the way it's supposed to be. If you
> don't want to answer the question shut the fuck up get out, don't tell
> other people to get lost. Makes me sick.
> - end of rant.
> - Vic
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of David Busby
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 5:39 PM
> Subject: Re: Linux Newbie
> Search the archives for relevant terms, then try google.
> After trying one or two things then tell us what you did, and where
> you're
> at now.
> I'd try:
>     "red hat 8 maestro3"
>     "/dev/dsp"
>     "linux sound cards"
> to start
> /B
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "rvelez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 14:00
> Subject: Linux Newbie
> > Hey guys I am currently running red hat 8.0 on a dell c600. It
> > seems like the OS install picked up the soundcard maestro3. When I try
> > to test the sound though I get a error saying /dev/dsp : no such file.
> I
> > am not sure where to start, anyone have any ideas or hints. Thanks for
> > your help it is appreciated!
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Rad
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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