I understand the argument of "teach a something how to fish and they
will blah, blah, blah..." I read the bible too. But if you come here and
have not tried any other resource in the first place then, that is where
the problem lies. Kids today are being poorly thought how to research.

- Vic

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Rodolfo J. Paiz
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:20 AM
Subject: RE: Linux Newbie - what's the point of newsgroups?

On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 18:11, Victor wrote: 
> Ok, I see this shit all the time, go search Google go do this go do
> that....

And in most cases, such an answer is perfectly warranted since: 

(a) the responder may not know the answer, but is trying to help the 
     original poster _find_ the answer 

(b) this community, as someone else noted, is somewhat more mature 
     than those frequented by newbie MS admins, and its members are 
     expected to try to help themselves, before asking others to 
     solve their problems (for free, I might add) 

(c) most people here believe in "teaching a man/woman to fish" rather 
     than "handing out free fish". Personally, those people who told 
     me to search Google and suggested (as rvelez did) specific search 
     terms not only helped me to find that one answer but helped me to 
     find my own answers more easily the next time around 

> What the hell is the point of mailing lists if the people that know
> to fix the problems are too lazy to help those in need?

Well, for starters the point of any mailing list is whatever its members
want it to be. If you disagree with the feelings of the majority in this
particular community, you are free to leave it. If you do not feel there
is "a point" to this mailing list, then obviously it is a worthless
resource to you and you should discontinue its use. 

Otherwise, kindly respect the choices the majority has made. And one of
those choices is to require (sometimes) that a person posting a question
show a modicum of interest in helping him or herself by at least trying
the obvious resources before asking a "duh" question and bothering
10,000 or 15,000 people. (Of course, they may still get an answer...
they just shouldn't count on it.)

> This is the way it's supposed to be.

No, sir; that is the way _YOU_ as an individual believe it's supposed to
be. Your desire to cram your opinions down everyone else's virtual
throat (violently and crassly, I might add) is distinctly more
distasteful than even any 'get the fuck out' response.

Which, by the way, was not the tone of rvelez's response, but which by
now _you_ richly deserve. Most other responses to you have been much
more civil; kindly take your example from them.

> Makes me sick.

<grin> Awwwwwww...

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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