On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 07:03, Rick Henderson wrote:
> I have installed rh 8.0 on my machine in place of w2k.  I now use rdp to
> connect when needed.  Now what I want to do is to startkde from another one
> of our other servers.
> I run xhost servername
> telnet to the server, login and run startkde.
> It looks like the x from the new server takes overs the window managers.
> How would I start the new one on like  <ctrl><alt><f8>

Rick I have never done this but I would play around with the DISPLAY
variable before starting kde.  What is DISPLAY set to when you log in? 
try something like export DISPLAY=originatingmachine:1  sounds like it
is defaulting to :0.

you might have to have X up on the f8 console first so that :1 will

from a command prompt startx -- :1



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