Just to amplify a bit on Mike's response below, you can indeed run X over SSH, but make sure you do the following:

1) On the remote host (the one that would be accepting your ssh connection and then displaying an X application back to your local desktop) make sure you have "X11Forwarding yes" in your sshd_config file (on RH Linux this is /etc/ssh/sshd_config). It is also a good idea to set "X11DisplayOffset 10". This controls the base display number (in this case "10") that will be automatically used by ssh.

2) When running ssh on your local system to connect to the remote (above), use "ssh -X <rest of args>" . This tells ssh and sshd that you will be tunneling X packets and that the daemon should set your DISPLAY variable.

Hope this helps.

Dave Basener

Mike Davison wrote:

You don't want to run startkde on the remote computer as startkde starts the X server and related tasks which need to run on your local computer. The X server is the task that manages the local display (the monitor, keyboard and mouse). Instead:

From local computer:
startkde (or any other window manager/desktop)
xhost +$HOSTNAME (this is insecure, but simple)
telnet servername (or rsh, or ssh, or...)

Then on the remote computer you need to set the display variable and run the X applications. Setting the display variable varies depending on the shell you use. Using bash, 'export DISPLAY=desktopname' will do it. Then just run the X application and the output will be directed to your local/desktop computer.
If I recall correctly, ssh will set the display variable on the remote machine for you.

On Tuesday 04 February 2003 04:13 pm, Bret Hughes wrote:

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 07:03, Rick Henderson wrote:
I have installed rh 8.0 on my machine in place of w2k. I now use rdp to
connect when needed. Now what I want to do is to startkde from another

of our other servers.

I run xhost servername

telnet to the server, login and run startkde.

It looks like the x from the new server takes overs the window managers.
How would I start the new one on like <ctrl><alt><f8>

Rick I have never done this but I would play around with the DISPLAY
variable before starting kde. What is DISPLAY set to when you log in? try something like export DISPLAY=originatingmachine:1 sounds like it
is defaulting to :0.
you might have to have X up on the f8 console first so that :1 will
from a command prompt startx -- :1

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