Im really sorry about the inconveniences I could cause, Im at work with windows and 
using a new emailer I found somewhere called Foxmail (don't want to use outlook)  I 
had some trouble with the template it was using for the reply messages so probably 
that was the cause, I changed it and I checked that the option Wordwrap was on (I did 
not know about this sorry about the ignorance :-)
I hope now that you have the idea of the problem it wont be so difficult for you to 
follow the emails.
I will try the suggestions you gave, thank you very much. I will try to make clearer 
however what is exaclty occurrin
        In gnome, when I double click in the icon "packages" (that I can access in the 
main menu or in the "start here" icon automatically set on the desktop) I got the 
following:  It starts normally as always, if Im not logged as root, it will ask me the 
superuser password, and after this it starts to check the installed packages and so 
on. After this it just stops and doesn't do anything else.
        In a terminal, when I give the command it will start the script and again if 
Im not logged in as a superuser will ask the password and then something similar 
happens it just doesn't do anything else and leaves me back with the command line 
without reporting any error. 

I think I will try re-installing the package to see what happens, 

Is there any way I can get more details about the problem?

Thanks a lot for the help.

        ===== At 2003-02-07, 16:23:00 you wrote: =======

>Hash: SHA1
>On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 15:34:17 +0100, Felipe Leon wrote:
>> >> When I run it in a terminal program it just does the same, a small 
>> >> windows appears and desappears immediately and no error is reported. Is 
>> >> there any way I can see what is going on? any log file or smthing?
>> >
>> >Nothing printed in the terminal?
>> >
>> >Can you describe the "small window" or "mini-screen" -- as you
>> >call it -- in detail?
>> Nothing printed in the terminal! 
>> The window appears and disappears too quick to read anything on it, It's just as 
>when a part of a program is being executed but nothing else happens.
>> Is it possible for me to re install the rpm package of this package configuration 
>script? I downloaded it from the redhat site again,  it is called   
>redhat-config-packages-1.0.1-1.noarch.rpm which is the same I have installed. Can I 
>create a bigger problem by doing this? Do I need to rebuild the package using the 
>source? Is there any way to repair my existing rpm package manager?
>> Thanks a lot for the help.
>First, I have problems tracking your messages since you use a mailer
>that doesn't support the headers necessary for threaded display of
>mails. That's kind of insufficient for a high-traffic mailing-list.
>Second, you don't autowrap your lines at around 72 characters, which
>makes them difficult to read on terminals and upon replying.
>Third, it is still not clear when exactly that happens what you 
>describe. Your description should be more detailed rather than
>complaining that no one answers to your messages. The first tiny
>window that opens when you run redhat-config-packages as an
>_ordinary_ user (!) is consolehelper gtk (from the "usermode"
>package) which asks you for the superuser password. If it is that
>window that is terminates immediately, try re-installing both
>redhat-config-packages (from your CDs) and "usermode". If you mean a
>different window (I think you've mentioned calculation of
>dependencies), I don't understand why you don't get any error output
>in the parent terminal, like a Python traceback or a segfault.
>Fourth, consider verifying your set of installed packages with
>"rpm -Va" or as I recommend regularly:
>  # rpm -qa | xargs -n 1 -t rpm -V &> rpm-Va.txt
>  # less rpm-Va.txt
>The flags in RPM's output are explained in the manual.
>- -- 
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