Since I don't yet know what fstab is, and since the "sudo" suggestion 
offered by Todd sounds like it is exactly what I was looking for, 
I'm now wrestling my way through that process.  I do have a pretty 
good book.  But I'm not one to read those things from cover-to-cover.  
I tend to "discover" my way through them.  :-)  
And with the occasional hint here-and-there, I tend to learn pretty 
At this point, the terminal window I'm trying visudo in is just about 
worn out.  So I must be getting close.  :-)  I've gotten it to open the 
sodoers, now I just need to get it to LET ME EDIT the darn thing.  

Thanks to all for you help on this one.  mucho gracias.  


{{{{{{{{{{{{{{  BEGIN ORIGINAL MESSAGE  }}}}}}}}}}}}}}

   ----SUBJECT ---->    Re: root, superusers, and mounting... 
On 2/10/2003  
I was just minding my own business when
Raymundo M. Vega wrote:

>)or you can write a wrap program that calls mount (you may
>)do it for CD only), the executable is owned by root and
>)has the suid bit set, executable by everyone.
>)a good exercise on C programming
>)Ze Ji Li wrote:
>)> Hi,
>)> why not modify fstab to allow regular user to mount/umount cdrom and
>)> Ze

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