On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 06:40:57PM -0700, Tass wrote:
> Thanks.  
> Since I don't yet know what fstab is, and since the "sudo" suggestion 
> offered by Todd sounds like it is exactly what I was looking for, 
> I'm now wrestling my way through that process.  I do have a pretty 
> good book.  But I'm not one to read those things from cover-to-cover.  
> I tend to "discover" my way through them.  :-)  
> And with the occasional hint here-and-there, I tend to learn pretty 
> quickly.  

Welcome to linux!  Hang in there, it really does get easier.  /etc/fstab
is a configuration file that provides information about the filesystems
on your computer.  You can change the default settings so any user can
mount removable disks like cd-roms or floppies.  So with an entry like

/dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660  ro,user,noauto,unhide
any user can mount the iso9660 file system  found  on  his CDROM using
the commands "mount /dev/cdrom" or "mount /mnt/cdrom" (without quotes).
Personally I think this is an easier solution than sudo, but ymmv.
> At this point, the terminal window I'm trying visudo in is just about 
> worn out.  So I must be getting close.  :-)  I've gotten it to open the 
> sodoers, now I just need to get it to LET ME EDIT the darn thing.  

I'm guessing you haven't used the vim text editor before.  It's mode
based, so to enter text you have to press "i" (without quotation marks)
to enter insert mode, then make the changes you want, then press the
escape key to return to command mode, then press :wq to write the
changes to the file you're editing and then quit.  Vim will seem
unfamiliar to you, but it's about the most powerful text editor going.

Sudo is a very useful program.  I use it so I can run my firewall's gui
applet as a regular user, which lets me start/stop/modify it and see all
the netbios hits in real time.  The basic format is as follows:

localhost = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firestarter

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