On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 04:04:06PM -0000, Cannon, Andrew wrote:
> >As for kde 3.1, it came out at the end of January, 3 months after RH 8.0 .
> >Given the fact that Red Hat having a time machine is highly improbable,
> >I fail to see the point.
> Yes, and we are now in March. up2date is meant to keep our systems "up to
> date" (hence the name). It seems to me that Red Hat are lagging behind the
> times a little here. (Or could it be that they just don't want us to run KDE
> on our systems??)

up2date keeps up with security updates, not new releases!
Do you really think I would still be running Gnome 1.4 if up2date
provided 2.2.1 ?

If you really want to run software without waiting for QA, I'm afraid the
only distribution that will suit you is Gentoo.


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