> First and most
> importantly, you don't need X to use all of its resources.  You can get as
> much out of it from a terminal window as you can from X.  I usually use it
> in X but quite frequently I need to do something from the terminal and get
> to make use of its power.

I agree with you. That's my editor of choice when I don't have X (for
example in SSH).

> The second is that you can split one buffer into
> two parts.  One part on top can view any region of the document you are on
> (or another document if you want) while the other views a different part of
> the same buffer.  This means that changes to either the top portion or the
> bottom get changed on the document.  It is like opening up two windows with
> the same document and making changes to both and when you go to save them
> all changes are recorded to the one document.  This is especially useful
> when you have a long document of code and need to reference another part of
> the document.  If you want to see how it works, open up a document in emacs
> and use ctrl+x 2  make a change to the top part and use ctrl+x o to switch
> between them.  Notice when you change one it changes both.  

jEdit (www.jedit.org) has that too.

> The third reason
> is that it is faster to use the memorized key sequences if you know how to
> type reasonably fast.  Moving your hands from the keyboard to move the mouse
> takes time.  (Time that irritates me if I have to use it a lot).  Once you
> get used to the key sequences you hate working without them.  I don't expect
> everyone to feel it is necessary to memorize key maps to code, nor most
> people for that matter.  However, if you do a lot of this stuff, memorizing
> them in the beginning can pay off in the long run.

Well, I agree on that too. But the fact is that I can associate keys to
functions in other editors too, but IMO it's easier to do so in other
editors. So, yes, having keybindings is useful but only if you can
change them easily (without knowing LISP :)).

But, as you said, the first argument (running it without X) makes it a
must-have app, even if I wouldn't use it on X.

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