On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 10:04:50PM +0100, Julien Olivier wrote:
> Le ven 21/03/2003 à 22:03, Jeff Kinz a écrit :
> > macro to make it do anything you want it to do.  All the keybindings are
> > re-programmable.   Just read the docs and start hacking! :-)
> > 
> Aaargh ! I hoped nobody would answer me that :( The fact is I'm...
> afraid of trying to customize Emacs... it looks so complicated...

Well, if you just want to make copy/paste easier, have a look at
"pc-select.el" - it's included in the XEmacs distribution and on RHL.
I use it in the config file like this:

(load "pc-select")

You can then use "Shift-MOVEMENT" to mark text and the DOS-like
Ctrl-Insert, Shift-Insert, Shift-Del sequences to Copy, Paste, Kill.


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