ok, i moved it to a different PCI slot, nothing (i didnt think it would help, it works fine on xp, so its not a hardware thing)

this is the contents of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eht0:
(and im mildly surprised that it printed)
(comments unimportant)

(so obviously im using dhcp) I have shaw cable internet, and its directly to the internet.

i never really did set up the card, it was recognized in my network configuration

ifup eth0 gives me this:
Determining IP information for eth0... Failed; no link present. Check cable?
(yes, it is connected, im not that stupid)

when i do lsmod, i get a module called either rtl8139too or it could have been just 8139too (should there have been and 8139cp as well?)
modprobe 8130cp didnt work, so i assumed it should have been 8139cp, that gave me some errors about it not being found, i think.
modprobe 8139too gave me absolutly nothing.

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