I tried using XFCE 4. Yet to determine whether it is faster than

However, the issue I have with XFCE 4 is that I can't find any menus
entries / launchers that I have in KDE or GNOME. Is there anyway to
import KDE / GNOME menus into XFCE desktop?

On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 08:50, Brian Ashe wrote:
> Apollo (Carmel Entertainment),
> On Wednesday June 25, 2003 05:13, Apollo (Carmel Entertainment) wrote:
> > So after looking at the thread I started (the one about why RH90 is slower
> > than Win98) I came to conlusion that I will move people to Linux in stages.
> > First I want to change common use workstations to linux.
> > My question is, which WM will do best job (and will be fastest) to do this:
> > Desktop would just be with a graphic background (company name in the
> > background), there would be only several icons on the desktop to launch
> > OpenOffice applications and several Wine emulated MS apps.
> >
> > Which window manager I should go with?
> I put my vote in for XFCE 4. I know it's in beta right now, but it is stable 
> (has been for a while now, I was running the CVS versions), fast and nice.
> Uses the GTK2 libraries (so is highly compatble with GNOME apps), has the 
> anti-aliasing of fonts, simple yet still attractive, easy to use and 
> configure.
> They also have RH 9 rpms ready to go.
> http://www.xfce.org/
> Download...
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=19869
> -- 
> Brian Ashe                                                     CTO
> Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://www.dee-web.com/

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