I use Window Maker, for my is the best one, it is so
fast, what about RAM...? for wm RAM is not a

 --- Cornelius_Kölbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
escribió: > Hello,
> you could use xfce. It is _realy_ fast and looks
> nice and modern.
> I downloaded it yesterday, compiled it and installed
> it. Rather simple.
> I am using kde 3.1 and it was realy a difference,
> how the windows popped 
> up and moved.
> Right from the personal fealing it seams, that
> rograms start faster than 
> with kde, since the drawing on the screen is faster.
> regards
> Cornelius
> Apollo (Carmel Entertainment) wrote:
> >So after looking at the thread I started (the one
> about why RH90 is slower than
> >Win98) I came to conlusion that I will move people
> to Linux in stages. First I
> >want to change common use workstations to linux.
> >My question is, which WM will do best job (and will
> be fastest) to do this:
> >Desktop would just be with a graphic background
> (company name in the
> >background), there would be only several icons on
> the desktop to launch
> >OpenOffice applications and several Wine emulated
> MS apps.
> >
> >Which window manager I should go with?
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
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