> Apollo (Carmel Entertainment) wrote:
> >So after looking at the thread I started (the one about why RH90 is slower than
> >Win98) I came to conlusion that I will move people to Linux in stages. First I
> >want to change common use workstations to linux.
> >My question is, which WM will do best job (and will be fastest) to do this:
> >Desktop would just be with a graphic background (company name in the
> >background), there would be only several icons on the desktop to launch
> >OpenOffice applications and several Wine emulated MS apps.
> >
> >Which window manager I should go with?
> >
> >

Use the Enlightenment desktop (www.enlightenment.org). E kicks the ass of 
all other desktops! Trust me. Nothing beats the robust, extreme 
configurable and fast loading E.



PhD student

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