At 08:00 AM 7/10/2003, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote :

I tried pegasus mail before, but when I tried it, it didn't understand
imap/tls or smtp/tls.  So far, the only windows client I've found that
does these two correctly is outlook/outlook epxress.  Which is too bad,
because I have to use windows here at work, and I'd rather use something
else. :(

For me, by far the best POP3 client I have used is Eudora Pro for the Mac. If there was a *nix version I'd be very happy, but alas there is not. I have tried Evolution and I like it but it has too much that I do not use and it is a resource hog.

For Mac or windows users I always recommend Eudora. It does POP3, IMAP and supports TLS/SSL on regular and alternate ports. Has a very good filtering system, supports multiple accounts and has humour built-in (run context sensitive help and you will see what I mean). Oh, and Eudora in general can not be "used" to propagate mal-ware (not impossible, just harder by default).




R. McFarlane

cross platform specialist
Mac - Linux - windows

McFarlane Computing
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