At 11:04 PM 11/24/1999 -0500, John Vincent M. Catral wrote:
> >   Linux is supposedly free under the
> > >GNU General Public License.  So I am confused, why will it cost me $30 to
> > >download it?
>Hello!  Don't be confused!  ;) I still consider myself as a newbie. I started
>playign with Linux in the begining of this year.  And I love it!  When we say
>Linux is Free, it means that the source code is free from charge and free to
>alter.  When you are paying for Linux it really means that you are paying for
>the time and effort someone burned Linux into a CD, The CD itself =), support
>from the Linux distributor and lastly, all the setup books that come with the
>package.  Those are what you are paying for. =)
>     I started playing with Redhat 5.1 and worked my way up. I wished I had
>Redhat 6.1 when I first started.  Redhat 6.1 is even easier to install.  I 
>this is a redhat mailing list, but Caldera 2.3 is great with new linux users.

Thanks all for your suggestions, both on and off the list.

Here is what I am going to do:
Call in and order the RH 6.1 cd.
Make a DOS Boot disk with my cd driver and format my HD and just make it a 
Linux machine for now.  It just occurred to me to just buy a new 2.1 GB IDE 
hard drive from JDR for  $70.00 and just use the 425 MB HD for DOS.  My 
BIOS will handle it OK.

This is just a learning/play machine.

Thanks, again,

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