On Wed, Jan 12, 2000 at 09:07:43AM -0500, Kurt Brust wrote:
> Question:
> is anyone running ADSL (any DSL) with REDHAT? if so, how do you like
> it, how often does your IP address change? 

Yes, with BS, works great (most of the time). IP has changed 6-8 times
since August. As someone else pointed out, it will only change when
you reboot or loose connection to the DHCP server. No static IPs with
BS, and the lease is only 12 hrs. You can always go with Dynamic DNS
if you need this.

Just a general observation that probably applies to DSL
implementations from all the baby bells and telcos...it is inherently
more complicated setup when you start adding the necessary hardware
layer at the telco CO. It is just one more thing that can go wrong,
and the technology there is still very new. I find DSL not quite as
reliable as dialup. While they advertised 'always on', doesn't mean
'always up'. BS does give a free dialup account so when DSL is down,
you are not out in woods.

Also, BS is actively moving to PPPoE/PPPoA in some markets, and away
from DHCP-bridged service. You might check this out. In some cases,
the only hardware they offer is a PCI 'modem' (no linux drivers), or a
USB 'modem' (dunno on this, but sounds like a challenge). 

Hal B
            Linux helps those who help themselves

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