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On 27/02/00 at 23:53 Juha Saarinen wrote:

>%-> Now, do we all agree that 56k modems will only download at a faster
>%-> than they will upload ? from documentation i read that openly a
>%-> 56k modem
>%-> will only send at 33.6k
>Depends... some stop at 26.4Kbps, others at 28.8Kbps; 33.6Kbps is the max
>though, until V.92 comes out.

Ok, did not know that one.......all ones I have tried gave 33.6 apart from
when noisy line was used....

>%-> So, when downloading I should get 56k right ? I mean hell,
>%-> thats what they
>%-> are sold as......
>Depends again, on:
>1.     Your connect speed;
>2.     Phone line quality;
>3.     Modem chip set;
>4.     Modem firmware revision;
>5.     Access router modem chip set;
>6.     Access router modem chip set revision;
>7.     Client TCP/IP and PPP set up;
>8.     Access router TCP/IP and PPP set up;
>9.     Client hardware set up;
>10.    Access router hardware set up;
>11.    The number of chickens sacrificed to The Great Modem God ;-).

Gee, you can only think of 11 Juha ? :-)   , I could add more like CPU,
board speed, general system load, quality of UARTs etc, I guess Client
hardware & setup would have covered that, we could go on..........

>%-> Anyway, here is my problem.......


> Anyway, in my experience, the best performance has always been
>with hardware compression only, and with software compression completely


>Latency is a big issue as well for packetised connections. A 56K modem is
>ostentatiously nearly as fast as a single channel ISDN link (64Kbps). In
>reality, even if the 56K modem sits on a crystal-clear phone line
>the connection will have much a higher latency than an equivalent ISDN
>and will be much slower. There are several excellent dissertations on the
>latency issue on the Web but of course I can't remember where they are at
>the moment... ;-)

It really is a how long is a piece of string type thing.........the point I
am making I guess is that the original poster with the x2 modem should not
loose too much sleep as there is no way to increase it too say 100kbps,
which I believe is an improvement, 1 or 2 kbps I call for all practical
purposes undetectable to the user.

Gee I am getting even greener knowing even NZ has the xDSL stuff....... BTW
, can you mail me privately telling me the costs, or a pricing page that I
can send to Telstra...


Greg Wright
IT Consultant Sydney Australia


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