In answer to your questions:

1)  Yes (at least there used to be) and maybe.  However, you probably 
won't be able to find one; they've gone obsolete a long time back.  
Go ahead and plan for 10BT nics for both...  won't be a problem.  
BTW, is your internal network hubbed or switched?  Switch will take
some of the lost bandwidth from having a heterogeneous speed mix back

1a) Not at all, remember that unless you get a 100FX card, most cards
(and all of the modern inexpensive ones) are 10/100 autosensing... so
you can communicate 10->100 without a problem.  The 100 can talk with
the 10, too, you just use up more of your bandwidth at the lower speed.

2)  No, it will be limited by what the Cable-Modem can support.
2a) Almost definitely not, unless you're doing some really
weird stuff, and have a really heavily loaded system.
2b) Maybe.  Depends on if you can get full duplex working.  But
that shouldn't be a problem, anyway.  The Cable Modem doesn't
support full 10Mbs on the Internet side... it's something between
1.5-6Mbs is my understanding.   >IF< you get 6 (big if) AND you don't
have full duplex, then 10 Mbs will slightly throttle you down for
full bore two way traffic... you would only be using 5 Mbs of the
connection.  However, what on EARTH would you be doing at home
(*this is a home machine, right*) that would have a constant up
and down at 10Mbs?  That's not bad, in WAN terms.

Bill Ward

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Glover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 10:28 AM
Cc: recipient.list.not.shown;
Subject: 486/66 as a Firewall

I have a 486/66 that I want to use as a firewall for a cable-modem.  What I
really want is a 10MB ethernet card for the cable-modem and a 100MB card for
the LAN.

100 Mbit     .------------.  10 MBit  .-------------.
-------------|   486/66   |-----------| Cable-Modem |---- You folks
LAN           ------------  Straight   -------------

My questions are:

1. Is there such a thing as a 100MB ISA ethernet card (cheap)?

   If I used two 10MB cards, I would have to have an additional
   gateway box just to connect the 10MB and 100MB segments,
   wouldn't I?

2. I know know the 100 MB card will be limited by the
   throughput of the other 10MB card, but...

   Will the 486 choke my internet throughput below 10MB?
   Can it handle 10MB in + 10MB out on an ISA bus?


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