On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:46:50PM -0500, Timothy Lillicrap wrote:
> I have a 486DX 66mhz which I am thinking of using as a firewall/gateway in a
> similar manor.  Unfortunately I live in the country and have to use a dialup
> connection.

That should work fine. I had a 386/33 running in a similar setup (with
56K modem) until recently, and even that was ok. The only reason I
swapped it for something more powerful was the fact that it also needs
to download mail for two people (POP3) and process all mails through
procmail filters (basically, I've "split up" the one mail address my
ISP gave me into two) and that was a bit much for that box... (the fact
that it didn't have any cache didn't help...).
Once all mail was received all other services (i.e. those that just went
through the firewall/masquerading to the other two machines) worked fine
and didn't seem to be slowed down too much.
One thing, though: If you intend to use the 486 with a fast modem, make
sure it has serial ports with FIFOs (16550, IIRC). I had to add such a
card to said 386.


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     Thomas Ribbrock | http://www.bigfoot.com/~kaytan | ICQ#: 15839919
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