On Wed, 7 Jun 2000, Joseph T. Tannenbaum wrote:

> Are you sure?  Who started the "computer age" or "information
> age" when you could exchange files with almost anyone.  Why
> do you think the DOJ has a standard consisting of MS Windows
> and MS Office?  This break up bears no good news for Linux or
> any other OS.  It also means no good news for IT departments
> everywhere.  I am not in love with MS. Never liked the idea of
> what you get is what they want you to get, and what you get is
> only half tested before you get it.  I also didn't like paying 
> premire support $150.00 to find out what THEY did to break my
> machines.  BUT, all problems aside, we would not be knocking
> MS on the internet if it twern't for Bill.
> Joe

you need to find a better supplier -- you obviously got a bad
batch of cocaine recently.

arpanet:  not invented by MS
TCP/IP: not developed by MS
UUCP, Usenet: not developed by MS
WWW: not invented by MS
browser: not developed by MS

  need i go on, or do you feel adequately stupid?  sheesh.
take a history lesson.


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