Who started the "computer age" or "information age" was _NOT_ Microsoft.
I have doubts about the DOJ pogrom against MS, but MS has been a master
of advertising and deceit, not innovation.  Back in the late 70's & 
80's we were working on the DARPA net.  Wasn't a sign of MS products
around then - we used unix, mostly on Sun II, Sun III, and DEC PDP's and
VAX systems.

IBM was in the catbird seat back then, just as MS is and has been in
recent years.  The arrogance that bled into IBM's business practices
resulted in them falling off the throne, and others who got a bit self
important did also.  What became of DEC?  Control Data?

Microsoft was on the path to self destruction; I do hope this doesn't
just create two slightly reinvigorated domineering companies.


> Are you sure?  Who started the "computer age" or "information age"
> when you could exchange files with almost anyone.  Why do you think
> the DOJ has a standard consisting of MS Windows and MS Office?  This
> break up bears no good news for Linux or any other OS.  It also means
> no good news for IT departments everywhere.  I am not in love with MS.
> Never liked the idea of what you get is what they want you to get, and
> what you get is only half tested before you get it.  I also didn't
> like paying  premire support $150.00 to find out what THEY did to
> break my machines.  BUT, all problems aside, we would not be knocking
> MS on the internet if it twern't for Bill.

> Joe

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brandon Dorman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 1:51 PM
> Subject: MS Breakup
> Yahoo!  MS to be broken up.  Probably won't happen due to appeals 
> but oh well.  I saw RH stock went
> up.  That's good for all of us!  (when our favorite company does
> well...)

Rick Forrister                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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