On 07-Jun-2000 Joseph T. Tannenbaum opined:
> Are you sure?  Who started the "computer age" or "information
> age" when you could exchange files with almost anyone.  Why
> do you think the DOJ has a standard consisting of MS Windows
> and MS Office?  This break up bears no good news for Linux or
> any other OS.  It also means no good news for IT departments
> everywhere.  I am not in love with MS. Never liked the idea of
> what you get is what they want you to get, and what you get is
> only half tested before you get it.  I also didn't like paying 
> premire support $150.00 to find out what THEY did to break my
> machines.  BUT, all problems aside, we would not be knocking
> MS on the internet if it twern't for Bill.

Hmmmm.......I thought Algore invented the internet?!!?

If I recall, IBM was before M$, and before that there was Atari, Commodore
(commode-door), Apple and others that have since ceased to exist or nearly
so. The fact that what is currently called the PC is a standard came from
an IBM design, not M$. Yes, M$ started DO$ (in conjunction with IBM) and
helped push it all forward. But, this effort was on the backs of things
created previously by others.

No, M$ is not the father of the internet. Nor are they the ones that
brought it into every home. I was using it before they ever heard of it.

Still, any time any government can decide who is BAD(tm) and who is
GOOD(tm) everybody loses, excepting those in government.

I detest M$ personally, though I don't give grief to those who use it. Some
have to use what's required where they work. Others have to be able to
produce content that is compatible with the formats others use for a
livelihood. Being anal-rententive about being linux and linux only may be a
noble cause. But it doesn't put food on the table for those needing to make
money in some fields.

 If some want to use poor software and follow along like sheep (IMHO) they
have that right. I refuse.

But, having a government agency step in with no real idea of what they are
doing and what they are seeking to do signals ill winds for other things
(SUVs, tobacco, fattty food and fatty diets, guns, and whatever target they
set their sights on next).

Sure, they know what they want to do now. In the beginning they had no idea
and they pressed ahead anyway. The same is happening in other areas. And
more are on the horizon.

No more from me. Thank you for your time.

How do you explain Wayne Newton's power over millions.

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