> > 
> > it's worth emphasizing what's really happening in this lilo.conf file.
> > the kernel you refer to in the "image" directive must be accessible
> > (that is, mounted) when you run the "lilo" command.
> > 
> > thus, if you're in the red hat partition, one option is to create
> > a mount point called /suse, mount the suse /boot partition there,
> > then the image line would read
> > 
> >   image=/suse/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.0-0.16
> > 

that's getting ugly! :)

> >   the other option is to literally copy the suse kernel into
> > the red hat /boot directory, then you don't have to do the
> > mounting business.
> > 

even uglier :)

> Could you SHARE the /boot directory, such that the SAME boot
> directory is used by all linux distributions? OTOH, I'm not sure how
> you'd keep SuSE from overwriting the RedHat kernel with it's own,
> assuming they have the same filename (which I do NOT know to be the
> case...)
>       John

This thread took a wrong turn somewhere.  I would believe it would be
easier to set the root=/dev/hd?  to whatever partition your /boot would
be for each Linux installation...just as Bero had mentioned earlier in
the thread.  Example:



The first image would be the Red Hat Installation, the second image a
Suse installation.
I would think you would get into some trouble trying to share kernels in
one /boot directory, or mounting them (?) 


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