I don't have the guts to try switching from sendmail to postfix.

I'm the one that talked my boss intot the fact that "we really need to 
switch from NT to Linux" heh.

I sure wish some of these distros would use postfix and ProFTPD as the 
default instead of sendmail and wuftpd.

Of at least ask you which one you prefer.

Anyway, if I told my boss I have to remove sendmail in order to get a bulk 
emailer, he'd think I was crazy. He's not sold on Linux yet so I have to be 
careful :-)


At 04:17 PM 9/14/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Jonathan Wilson spewed into the bitstream:
>JW>Several of the web sites we host have once-n-month newsletter-promotion
>JW>e-mails that we send out in bulk.
>JW>Right now we have all registered users in an MSSQL database, and have 
>an NT
>JW>bulk mailer that reads the table of names and addresses, and sends the
>JW>newsletter to each to the recipients listed therein. We'd like to move 
>JW>to Linux also. Any suggestions  on what Linux mailers are best suited for
>JW>this? (Would be really nice if it interfaced with a MySQL or PostgreSQL DB)
>Chuck Mead, CTO, LinuxMall.com
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