On 15 Sep 2000  12:21 Jonathan Wilson wrote:
>I don't have the guts to try switching from sendmail to postfix.
>I'm the one that talked my boss intot the fact that "we really need to 
>switch from NT to Linux" heh.
>I sure wish some of these distros would use postfix and ProFTPD as the 
>default instead of sendmail and wuftpd.
>Of at least ask you which one you prefer.
>Anyway, if I told my boss I have to remove sendmail in order to get a bulk

>emailer, he'd think I was crazy. He's not sold on Linux yet so I have to be


The Majordomo docs suggest a small C program called "bulk_mailer" to handle
sending to large lists efficiently. It works alongside sendmail and is
efficient enough to have gotten a reputation for use by spammers. 

The Majordomo docs tell how to change the header so that anti-spam measures
designed for the default bulk_mailer header don't stop your messages.

Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.pobox.com/~agreene/>
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