On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, (Jonathan Wilson) wrote:

> Several of the web sites we host have once-n-month newsletter-promotion 
> e-mails that we send out in bulk.
> Right now we have all registered users in an MSSQL database, and have an NT 
> bulk mailer that reads the table of names and addresses, and sends the 
> newsletter to each to the recipients listed therein. We'd like to move this 
> to Linux also. Any suggestions  on what Linux mailers are best suited for 
> this? (Would be really nice if it interfaced with a MySQL or PostgreSQL DB)

I don't know of any specifically for that purpose, so if no one else
responds to this query, you may have to write your own.  However, it
shouldn't be terribly difficult.  I've got a bunch of code over here that
you can use to that purpose.  The billing programs which are part of ISPd
read customers from an SQL database, parse an XML template, and send mail
to those customers.  You can get extra tricky with that, or you can cut
out the extra tricky (but still simple to use) parts and do it.

I'll even help you write it :)

If you don't find something else that suits your needs, let me know.


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