Will the scripts and other stuff you're referring to work with sendmail?
If so are either of you willing to help with it, considering that I can't 
move to postfix atm ?


At 07:37 PM 9/14/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>I see Gordon has already offered to help write it, so if you know what's
>good for you, take him up on it :)
>Otherwise, if you check the mailhelp archives on moongroup (search for
>"mass mailer") you will find a small perl script that does basically what
>Gordon describes except it uses a simple non-XML template, and currently
>gets the email info from a text file.
>If you need help converting it to get the names from a MySQL or PostgreSQL
>db, just send us your schema. Gordon can get it done in no time :) Just
>kidding, I can help too.
>Also take Chuck's advice and install postfix. It eats mass emails for
>On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> > On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, (Jonathan Wilson) wrote:
> >
> > > Several of the web sites we host have once-n-month newsletter-promotion
> > > e-mails that we send out in bulk.
> > >
> > > Right now we have all registered users in an MSSQL database, and have 
> an NT
> > > bulk mailer that reads the table of names and addresses, and sends the
> > > newsletter to each to the recipients listed therein. We'd like to 
> move this
> > > to Linux also. Any suggestions  on what Linux mailers are best suited 
> for
> > > this? (Would be really nice if it interfaced with a MySQL or 
> PostgreSQL DB)
> >
> > I don't know of any specifically for that purpose, so if no one else
> > responds to this query, you may have to write your own.  However, it
> > shouldn't be terribly difficult.  I've got a bunch of code over here that
> > you can use to that purpose.  The billing programs which are part of ISPd
> > read customers from an SQL database, parse an XML template, and send mail
> > to those customers.  You can get extra tricky with that, or you can cut
> > out the extra tricky (but still simple to use) parts and do it.
> >
> > I'll even help you write it :)
> >
> > If you don't find something else that suits your needs, let me know.
> >
> > MSG
> >
> >
> >
> >
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