At 05:10 PM 10/13/00 -0300, Martin A. Marques wrote:

>The PC will be working with an Informix (or maybe another) database server. 
>It will have an apache, with PHP. Those would be the most important things 
>this machine would do.
>The PC will have SCSI disks and a SCSI tape for backups.

Configured cleverly Linux will (IMHO) outperform Solaris in this situation.
PHP, and most (read "all large") database servers, are highly dependant on
disk I/O. Linux will allow you to configure RAID-0 in software (in my
experience this does tend to increase disk throughput to 150 or 200% of
normal, in fact it seems to let a pair of UDMA-IDE drives on separate
controllers easily outperform an Ultra3 SCSI drive. . .), and Solaris
won't, so Linux will allow these services to operate more quickly. Of
course you can run Solaris (or Linux) with a hardware RAID controller and
get the same effect OS independently. AFAIK there is no software-only RAID
support in any version of SunOS.
        Also I don't know of any user-friendly equivalent of the RPM system
(unless you count the somewhat dubious port of RPM itself to Solaris86) for
SunOS/Solaris, so you would probably be spending a good deal more
time/effort compiling and installing stuff than you would on a Linux system
(using RPM or Debian package management).
        Last, I must concur with whoever told you to get opinions on why Solaris86
is a better idea on a Solaris mailing list :) If I preferred it I would
probably use it instead of Linux (the best argument I've heard so far is
"it means my Sun machines and my PC's are running just about the same
platform", which I solved with the Sparc distribution of Redhat &
Powertools myself. . .)

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