Mahalakshmi wrote:

> > Is there any limitation for UNIX machines that they should be restarted
> > after n days.


> > Windows crashes automatically

I love that expression!

> >  if the m/c is not switched off
> >  for 49.7 days and this is accepted by Microsoft.

(This may be inaccurate for recent releases of Windows, BTW, though I
haven't looked it up in a long time.)

Lots of unforgivable things are accepted by Microsoft.  There is no
excuse for any modern, production-ready OS to require periodic reboots
except in cases of OS upgrades or hardware-level adjustments.  If Linux
needs to reboot after N hours of uptime, there's probably a memory leak
somewhere and Linus Needs To Know.

> > I heard that the unix system cud probably be rebooted after n days in order
> > to flush some memory space,inode entries etc..

>From whom?  Ed Muth and Jim Allchin?

A quick look around home and office shows at least three machines (one
Linux and two OpenBSD) with uptimes above 50 days.  Sort of disappointed
that I couldn't find anything longer but I tinker a lot.

Michael Jinks, IB // Technical Entity // Saecos Corporation

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