On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 03:57:17PM -0600 or thereabouts, Julian Opificius wrote:
> Using RH 7.2, KDE - new install.
> 2) I don't think my named daemon is doing anything. I have a valid hosts 
> file, but my windows clients - who are pointed at the linux box - can't 
> resolve LAN names that are in the /etc/hosts file. The daemon is running. 
> Is there a test method I can use?

Hi Julian, A /etc/hosts file is not a named daemon.  It will not resolve
name and address, only DNS does that, i.e. BIND.  The Hosts file will go
by IP addresses only, and not names/aliases.. This is more of a local
protocol on a small network, versus a DNS daemon, which is more global
going out onto the net, and working with several networks, and subnets.
This provides for reverse name and address lookup, with SOA's (start of
authority) records, etc... Now BIND will set up a local resolver and use
hosts, but it just looks there first anyway... it is easier just to use
hosts for a small network by IP instead of name and address resolution.. 
The only difference instead of saying "Bob's box", you have to punch out
some octets.. <g> 

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