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ABrady wrote:

>> >That's an interesting question... I have a RH7.1 server with three
>> >3c59x NICs and upon a reboot, found that assignments had all changed.
>> > It would be nice that it would stay consistant between reboots
>> > (though the reboots and reassignments occur rarely).  This
>> > reassigments play havoc for a real-time shop like mine where
>> > communication traffic from one network relys on the traffic comming
>> > from the other network.  Now upon rebooting, it is required for me
>> > to check the eth's for proper assignments.  smbinyon
>> That is interesting, since I have two NIC cards, different brands, and
>> when I have rebooted, nothing moved.
>And I have 4 different brands of NICs. Any combination in which I had 2
>of them would stay the same until I upgraded the kernel. They would then
>switch ether postions. I finally swapped the cards in their slots and
>had no more trouble with them until I went to 7.2 and back to 7.1 (still
>using the same 2 NICs that were working fine for ages). I haven't gotten
>around to fixing it yet, but no hurry. My kludge works fine under all

How about this in /etc/modules.conf:

alias eth0 <modulename>
alias eth1 <othermodulename>

No ambiguity there.  It's a little trickier if you have two cards that 
need the same module, but this command:

/sbin/modprobe smc-ultra io=0x280,0x300

loads my SMC Ultras in a predictable order reliably.  

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

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