On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, David Talkington wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> cameron wrote:
> >I haven't read the entire thread so this might have been mentioned, but I
> >read in The Register not long ago that an American senator (SC or SD) has
> >been trying to pass a bill to make it illegal to distribute unlicensed
> >software.  His campaign was largely funded by Aol Time Warner.  Apparently
> >it is unlikely the bill will pass, except for benign portions of it, but its
> >frightening to consider who would now gain control the server side if it
> >did.
> I smell a misinterpretation here.  In the first place, there's no
> unlicensed software involved here.  In the second place, this sounds
> like it may have been yet another attempt to curb piracy (or attach
> more penalties to it).  But do send a link if you find some hard info.
i suspect he may be referring to fritz hollings' (D-SC) proposed
SSSCA legislation, which has been described as "dead on arrival"
when it gets to the judiciary committee.


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