Hi Gordon

The people who manage the mail servers, tell me it is an all or nothing
situation.  Since I don't have access or know how to configure them, I
have to take there word for it.


On 16 May 2002, Gordon Messmer wrote:

> On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 07:10, dbrett wrote:
> > What does Pine use for sending email?  The reason for the question, is I
> > use linux as my desktop.  I was able to configure the companies email
> > server (exchange) as the smtp-server.  Once the exchange server was
> > configured to stop relaying, I could no longer have a smtp-server
> > configured.  This solved the problem of send email to most people in the
> > office.
> What did you do to disable the relay?  It sounds like you made the relay
> restrictions too strict.  Can you enable relay for your private IP
> network only?

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