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Gordon Messmer wrote:

>> >           localhost.localdomain localhost
>> >           herald.dragondsawn.net herald

>> Why would you do that if your address is dynamic?  It's guaranteed to
>> break things when your IP address changes.

>By setting a hostname, ANY hostname, you prevent your hostname from
>being changed by DHCP (and make the system a little more like home ;) 

That's illogical, unless your DHCP server is configured to always assign
this address to this MAC (in which case this discussion is moot).  
Otherwise, DHCP will change your IP address, and DNS will then determine
your hostname.  All you can choose is whether or not you want your
hostname to be seen internally as the A record for that IP address, or
as something arbitrary.  This is a convenience for you -- the system
doesn't care.

What it does care about is reaching all other hosts on the network, and
if your assignments are truly dynamic, then you're interfering with
that.  Some other host may next time have the IP which resolves to that
name.  In that case, your machine will never be able to reach whatever
node actually _has_ the IP that resolves to herald.dragondsawn.net,
because your machine will still think that's localhost.

Either way, if all you want is a predictable hostname as seen by you at
login, set DHCP_HOSTNAME and HOSTNAME in /etc/sysconfig/network (to
something that does not conflict with your DNS namespace), and then add
only the base hostname to /etc/hosts if you like.  Or, if you prefer the
stickshift approach, set arguments to pump or dhcpcd to not accept a
hostname from DHCP, and then set your own (again, choosing one that does
not conflict with your DNS namespace).

>By pointing both localhost.localdomain and your own hostname at the
>localhost address, you guarantee that both will always resolve, and
>resolve quickly.

Again, in the case of dynamic addresses, this is misguided and
counterproductive -- unless you're willing to write a script which
modifies /etc/hosts appropriately each time your interface gets a new
address!  There are easier ways.  If your DNS server is slow, set up a
local cache.  That's a lot more robust than hardcoding a hostname that
is guaranteed to change at some point ... again assuming this is not a 
fixed assignment.
By the way, did you mistype that and really mean herald.dragonsdawn.net?               
Is that your domain? tells me that herald has an RFC 1918                
address.  Did you really intend to publish nonroutable IPs to the world?               
Prairienet:dtalk 493 $ dig herald.dragonsdawn.net                                      
; <<>> DiG 9.0 <<>> herald.dragonsdawn.net                                             
;; global options:  printcmd                                                           
;; Got answer:                                                                         
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 22743                              
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 1                
;; QUESTION SECTION:                                                                   
;herald.dragonsdawn.net.                IN      A                                      
;; ANSWER SECTION:                                                                     
herald.dragonsdawn.net. 86400   IN      A                            
;; AUTHORITY SECTION:                                                                  
dragonsdawn.net.        86400   IN      NS      ns.dragonsdawn.net.                    
dragonsdawn.net.        86400   IN      NS      naneum.eburg.com.                      
;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:                                                                 
ns.dragonsdawn.net.     86400   IN      A                           
;; Query time: 139 msec                                                                
;; SERVER:                                                             
;; WHEN: Wed Jun 12 22:28:44 2002                                                      
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 119                                                                 
- -d                                                                                   

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp

Version: PGP 6.5.8
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